Milfoil Treatment Scheduled
Tomorrow, Friday, June 17th, we are scheduled to receive our aquatic herbicide treatment for Eurasian Milfoil. We will be using a newer product that is specifically designed to target the invasive and undesirable milfoil. ProcellaCOR has very minimal water use restrictions. There are no restrictions for drinking water or irrigational use. It has no contact time restrictions for recreation usage, and no impacts upon fish or other aquatic life. Also, native plants are unaffected by ProcellaCOR. This product does not poison the milfoil like traditional herbicides, but starves the plants by taking away their ability to absorb food. There is very little contact time needed because the milfoil absorbs this product extremely quickly. We look forward to the long lasting, 3 year results, other lakes have benefited from thus far. Please see the map and area that was surveyed for the treatment.
